Ding - Doujhe: 33
Doujhe hit 33 tonight. Also made way to Auberdine and Astranaar. First time on boat.
My personal adventures through World of Warcraft, experiences with gaming in general, and life beyond the joystick (er, keyboard and mouse).
posted by GiftsForYou.Biz at
2:27 AM
Dragnist Family: Antemortem | |
Click name for WoW stats... | |
Doujhe [doo-hey] Level: 58 Race: Human Class: Paladin |
Engineering: 210 Mining: 286 Cooking: 152 First Aid: 239 Fishing: 157 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Made 55 and then some by mostly just grabbing quests within areas (Un Goro Crater for example), but offloading quests also. 60 would be nice, but will probably retire for a bit and concentrate on Daajhnd again. | |
Daajhn [d'-on] Level: 41 Race: Night Elf Class: Druid |
Alchemy: 225 Herbalism: 244 Cooking: 209 First Aid: 225 Fishing: 156 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Got exalted in Darnassus (did a few quests in Bloodmyst). Will now get striped tiger mount. Need to find how to increase fishing past 150. Then on to get Dhistens to 30 (or 40 if I grow to like being a Rogue). Also need to create more potions for AH. | |
Dehstni [dest-knee] Level: 40 Race: Draenai Class: Warrior |
Blacksmithing: 210 Skinning: 258 Cooking: 158 First Aid: 238 Fishing: 119 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Got blacksmithing up to 200 with Doujhe's help. | |
Dhistens [dis-tenz] Level: 30 Race: Dwarf Class: Rogue |
Skinning: 189 Tailoring: 125 Cooking: 183 First Aid: 203 Fishing: 157 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Still questing on and off with brother in law (Themonarch). We hit 30 in Southshore. He is now helping level another friend (Superbeing) so we can group when he hits 30. He also started a new toon (Shammy, Sivakayon) to level up at the same time. | |
Deajhd [dead] Level: 40 Race: Gnome Class: Warlock |
Enchanting: 178 Jewelcrafting: 106 Cooking: 200 First Aid: 225 Fishing: 200 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Leveling guide actually did pretty good. Tried to keep with it (and did about 95% of the time). However, I started and kept at 2 levels over where the guide recommended. The leveling guide used was "Jame's Alliance leveling Guide". | |
Duuhde [dude] Level: 12 Race: Dwarf Class: Priest |
Herbalism: 53 Mining: 92 Cooking: 100 First Aid: 98 Fishing: 50 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
In keeping the family versatile, Duuhde changed his primary class from Paladin to Priest (not a long stretch from Doujhe being a Holy Palidin). Will most likely create a cousin Mage on Hellscream, where the family's Death Knight will also reside. | |
Dehrange [d'-range] Level: 40 Race: Draenai Class: Hunter |
Leatherworking: 208 Skinning: 274 Cooking: 200 First Aid: 220 Fishing: 216 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Windrunner |
Ding 40 in Stranglethorn Vale. Got Elekk mount and ability to wear mail. Still to consider abandoning SV quests in lieu of migrating back to Kalimdor. | |
Dejhde [d'-shde] Level: 12 Race: Undead Class: Warlock |
Alchemy: 19 Herbalism: 25 First Aid: 18 |
Faction: Horde | Realm: Windrunner |
Need to see where he's at. | |
Duujhn [doon] Level: 12 Race: Blood Elf Class: Hunter |
Leatherworking : 18 Skinning: 24 Cooking: 18 First Aid: 49 |
Faction: Horde | Realm: Windrunner |
Need to see where he's at. | |
Daajhnd [dawnd] Level: 56 Race: Night Elf Class: Druid |
Alchemy: 178 Enchanting: 178 Cooking: 175 First Aid: 261 Fishing: 219 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Hellscream |
Focused heavily on getting Daajhnd to 55 so that I can create a DK on Hellscream. Then will get Doujhe to 55 for same reason. After that, and before WOTLK, I will focus on getting Daajhnd to 70 so I can group with Arylon and Shammyshine. | |
Dreazz [drez] Level: 24 Race: Gnome Class: Warlock |
Enchanting: 148 Mining: 95 Cooking: 140 First Aid: 225 Fishing: 200 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Hellscream |
Will now use this character to level and quest with Aglean and Aglea. | |
Dolar [doe-lar] Level: 20 Race: Night Elf Class: Druid |
Leatherworking: 60 Skinning: 100 Cooking: 66 First Aid: 27 Fishing: 27 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Rivendare |
Ding 20 in Bloodmyst. Need to train, turn in last quest, and send cape to Dhesia. | |
Dhesia [d-eh-c-ya] Level: 12 Race: Draenei Class: Shaman |
Alchemy: 13 Herbalism: 18 Cooking: 44 First Aid: 40 Fishing: 2 |
Faction: Alliance | Realm: Rivendare |
Alt for Dolar, but will be nice to learn Shaman too. | |
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