Dart and OO: Design Patterns, Refactoring, and Code Smells

Certificate of Completion: Refactoring.guru

I would like to thank Refactoring.guru for their insightful course on, well, refactoring (and code smells) at an Object-Oriented (OO) level. The course helped to set me on the right track for being more cognizant of my coding practices in Flutter and Dart. While some refactoring concepts might appear self-explanatory, the dissection of the refactoring processes in the course was quite detailed and thorough.

Halfway through the course, I sought out additional resources and was ecstatic to discover a few talks by Sandi Metz. Her complementary presentations addressed such like-minded subjects as code smells (which, to confirm, are not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) specifically. Sandi’s insights resonated greatly, and have really helped certain OO topics make a lot of sense.

And for the icing on the proverbial cake, after watching Sandi’s talks, I discovered another video by none other than Flutterly, that then brought it all home by explaining the underpinnings between abstraction, inheritance, and Dart’s own mixin classes. Having previously benefited from Flutterly’s training videos on Flutter Bloc and the Repository Pattern, I found his insights on how these three types of classes operate to be equally enlightening and memorable.

– Keith | https://keithdc.com

Keith D Commiskey

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