I··C··D··O··T··S (––and––lines––)

I··C··D··O··T··S··: A Web App Game tl;dr – take me to the game already! ICDots is a board game for 2-7 players who will take turns selecting lines to form boxes. Scoring is 1 point per box pinned. Line colors have no distinction other than one is horizontal and one is vertical, and the alternating colors

A little… Tic Tac Toe?

I’m near complete with the Free Code Camp Front-End Development Certification course. 291 coding challenges and I’m on my last… Haven’t read through the specs yet, but based on my last four projects, I’m guessing it’ll run me another 3-4 days. My last project was a Tic Tac Toe game, in which you can play person-to-person,