I recently updated my site’s main page to conform to the HTML5 standard! Easy stuff,
Category: Uncategorized
Just finished updating my site’s main page to conform to the W3C XHTML Strict standard!
This blog is now located at http://kdcinfo.blogspot.com/. You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds,
Recently had my teeth whitened, and my two front (non-vital) teeth fixed with a chairside
I was wondering today how come White Collar Comedy never became popular as Blue Collar
Simple Site Catalog, newly released 2.71 The Simple Site Catalog is a powerful yet simple
06/15 (Mon): Last Day of World of Warcraft (WoW) When I first started WoW, I
Landed in SF just before noon on Sunday. It was a good trip. Talked quite
Recently, Wells Fargo acquired Century Bank. My first withdrawl at a Non-Wells Fargo ATM produced
My first impression was, you can’t be serious… Merriam-Webster is supporting Pizza Hut? Upon further
They do 5.1 and 7.1 audio. I’m wondering when 2.1 or 4.1 lighting will be
Last Tuesday, I was caught between a 10% reduction in force and a company restructure.
A friend from work moved north to get back to his roots. Although I do
American Express held a vote in which it’s members would decide on where it would
Have fun with this. It lets you know how much selective listening you really do.
Okay, I didn’t want to do this, but this is frustrating. I’m a democrat, but
For about 18 years now I’ve had a specific memory plague me which ironically was
I can’t find it, but I watched part of a news segment last night on
Do you Google? You need to be signed in to Google be able to see
The only open source equivalent I found for this program was discontinued back in 2004.