Simple Site Catalog – Now introducing Release 2.71

Simple Site Catalog, newly released 2.71 The Simple Site Catalog is a powerful yet simple and affordable online web store building system which offers a multitude of options, including a built-in CMS (content management system), and built-in multi-product editor. Release 2.71 includes spam control in forms, an inventory manager, an updated Google Base updater, master

I Miss Century Bank (aka, I now have ATM Fees [fees being plural])

Recently, Wells Fargo acquired Century Bank. My first withdrawl at a Non-Wells Fargo ATM produced these results on my balance sheet. NON-MEMBER ATM FEE – ATM USAGE = $3.00 (the ATM fee itself) NON-WF ATM BAL INQUIRY FEE = $1.50 (for having the ATM tell me my balance) NON-WELLS FARGO ATM TRANSACTION FEE = $2.50

Job Reductions Lead to

Last Tuesday, I was caught between a 10% reduction in force and a company restructure. While I believe this will catapult me into learning new technologies and methodologies, trying to find the company that has an accommodating position can be a daunting task. In the meantime, I’ve picked up knowledge of more networking technologies, the

30′ x 40′ Earth Berm Passive Solar House in Central Maine

A friend from work moved north to get back to his roots. Although I do believe consulting contractors might facilitate the process in many ways, I totally admire his dedication and willingness to do something on such a large scale, and wish him success in this endeavor. This is his story:I bought 10 acres of