Business Trip to San Fran

Landed in SF just before noon on Sunday. It was a good trip. Talked quite a bit with the lady next to me. She was a teacher from Indianapolis. Was also going to SF (first time to Cali) on business. Spoke of her husband and one of her 2 kids. I did a little on the computer and played a bit on PSP. A good flight.

Carol picked me up. I had to go downstairs ’cause she thought I came out the baggage claim section. Spending time with her, my mom and dad, Angel, and seeing Jasmyne for the first time was awesome. I had a great, great day.

Tuesday and Wednesday were long, long days. Tuesday after work I walked down to Market and back. Had a few Sierra Nevada’s at O’Briens. Wednesday I walked over to Townsend to check out the loft where I worked at Xybernaut Corporation in late 1996. Had some more Pale Ale at O’Briens. I also stayed out way too late and spent way too much – last time I do that. And now my legs are killing me, and I forgot about the bay area breeze… it was pretty freaking cold both nights. So I believe I caught a bit of a cold too.

I learned a LOT while I was there, and was able to get some stuff done as well. We have a LOT to get done in the coming months, so it’ll be interesting to see how and if I’m able to contribute, be it locally or back in SF.

The departure plane was late in taking off (something about a coffee maker leak), and on arrival, although they made up the time in the air, we sat on the tarmac for about 20 additional minutes. Sitting in the middle is not the best place to sit when on an airplane for 4+ hours.

I got back home Thursday night, and Rosco hasn’t left my side since. After experiencing what I’m sure was a bagful of emotions; confusion, loneliness, boredom, anxiety, etc., now I think he’s just mad at me and relieved at the same time.

I’m also exhausted. So I’m grateful I’m now on a 3-day weekend. Think I’ll be sleeping through most of it.

Keith D Commiskey

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