Front-End Development Certifications x2


Two more freeCodeCamp certifications completed, with one more at 70%.

And although I’m only at 37% with Harvard’s CS50W: Web Programming with Python and JavaScript, and 23% with Google’s ‘Master web development’ courses (via Udemy), I’m considering running through another Vue series (via Laracasts), being the last one I went through was in Jan-Mar 2017.

UPDATE: On the other hand, perhaps not… the training video shows they’re using 2.1.3, and although I could look around for something in the 2.5.x range, I believe it would be prudent to instead find more professional and in-depth courses for the latest React.

All current and previous training progress (such as my 11 completed courses) can be found on my Training Progress SPA (now a PWA! (…works offline: can’t get updates (due to there being no network), but it works offline! 😀 )).


Keith D Commiskey

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