Shopping Cart Catalog - Create your own Web Store

Select a Shopping Cart Catalog / Integrate with Mals-E Free Shopping Cart

  • MPE - Overview
  • MPA - Overview
    • Main
    • Download MPA
MPA - Instructions

1. Fill in the fields on the XLS sheet
2. Click the tall button on the left to check for single apostrophes and single backslashes - It will escape them both with a backslash
3. Select the "Copy/Paste" column (column "S") from row # 4 to the last product row
     It is recommended to do no more than 100-200 at a time
4. Load OptionCart Deluxe Shopadmin
5. Select the MPAS option (only shows with new "Links" file)
6. Paste contents and Execute
7. Run the Multi-Product Adder/Categorizer (MPAC) via the OptionCart Deluxe Shopadmin menu

Excel (XLS) Sheet Breakdown:
     1st Row = Name of OptionCart column (field) name
     2nd Row = Description of what the field should contain
     3rd Row = An example product
The combination of Mals-E shopping cart software, the OptionCart Catalog, and the Multi-Product Editor creates one of the most awesome and powerful tools you can find or use for your e-commerce needs.
The Multi-Product Editor (MPE) and Multi-Product Adder (MPA) both work with the OptionCart Deluxe shopping cart catalog system.
Neither the MPE nor the MPA will overwrite any existing data or information already stored in your database. It will however expedite the adding and updating of such information.