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Simple Site Catalog Custom Mods
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Cost and ordering is available on the Pricing page.
If you don't see what you're looking for, you can try looking at some additional mods on The ModMeister.
Tip: If you use some of these mods together, you can achieve things such as:
  1. Putting one image over two others and make the top image larger.
    Use: Using the catalog's built-in 'Single Product Layout' layout style in the Catalog Setup area of the admin, and using the Product Image Layout and Thumbnail Image Size Override
Product Ratings and/or Category Ratings
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This is the Ratings Mod for the Simple Site Catalog. It will allow your visitors to rate either products or entire categories. You can control which level your visitors can rate, either globally, or on a per-category basis.

The rating system utilizes an AJAX call, which makes the rating immediate.

There is also an admin page that will allow you to delete individual ratings.

The star rating image files can be renamed, given a different image filename extension, or given a different location. And in addition to being able to adjust the rating image height and width, there are also a handful of other options, including:

  • Display a success alert box after rating is made.
  • Allow visitors to reset their ratings (individually).
  • Reload the page after rating or reset (not recommended).
  • Show how many visitors have rated and the current average (Display the number of ratings per number of visitors).
  • Set to true to show a message when there are no ratings (i.e., "Be the first to rate this"). Only applies if above is option is checked.
Product Reviews and/or Category Reviews
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The Reviews Mod will allow your visitors to write reviews on either products or entire categories. You can control which level your visitors can write their reviews; either globally, or on a per-category basis.

The review submission form utilizes the built-in Captcha which helps deter spammers. There is also an admin page that will allow you to either temporarily turn off/on specific reviews, or delete them outright.
Reviews AND Ratings Mod for Simple Site Catalog
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This is the Reviews and Ratings Mod for the Simple Site Catalog. It will allow your visitors to write reviews and rate either products or entire categories. You can control which level your visitors can review/rate either globally, or on a per-category basis.

Reviews and Ratings are linked together. That is, ratings are required when a review is submitted. When reviews are turned off, either for categories, products, or both, ratings also will not show.

The review form utilizes the built-in Captcha which helps deter spammers. However, there is also an admin page that will allow you to either temporarily turn off/on specific reviews, or delete them outright. You can also delete ratings on the ratings admin page. When a review or rating is deleted, it's linked rating or review is also deleted.

This mod is not compatible with either the standalone Reviews mod or the standalone Ratings mod. The Ratings system in this mod does not contain an AJAX call, and many of the options have been stripped out, as they are either under the control of the Reviews portion of the mod, or they are obsolete due to the lack of the AJAX call. For instance, there is no option for the user to receive a success message when a rating star is clicked, as the mod won't update the rating until the review form has been submitted.

If you like the immediate rating with the AJAX call, but prefer the rating stars to be inside the review form, you can purchase each one individually, and install the Reviews mod first, then the Ratings mod. If done in that order, the Ratings mod will be placed inside the Reviews form, but the rating will be immediate, unlike with this mod, in which it has become a required 'field' (so to speak) on the form itself.
Custom Boxes
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Use the built-in text editor and add up to 3 custom boxes anywhere in your catalog!
Web Links Categorizer
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This mod will allow you to put your links into categories, so they're not just in one big long paged list, which can also help to avoid "link farming".
Product Highlighter
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This is the Product Highlighter Mod. It will allow you to not only put borders around and/or background colors behind your products, but you can opt to use an image as the background as well. Border options allow you to chose between 3 thicknesses.
Visitor Wishlist
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The Wishlist Mod is similar to the Gift and Baby Registries, in which your visitors, once logged in, can add items to their very own wishlist for future reference and purchases.
E-mail Order Updates to Customer and Add Shipping Info
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Part 1 of this mod will allow you the option of e-mailing an order update to the customer. It uses both the e-mail address in the order to send the Order Update 'To', and either the Admin Email or the Email Link in the Site Settings as the 'From' address. You have the option of either notifying the customer or not (using a checkbox,) prior to updating the order.

Part 2 of this mod will add three new text fields to the order update form. You can add a "Delivery Carrier", a "Link to a Tracking Page", and an "Estimated Delivery Date". All of these text fields are completely optional. If entered, they will also be included should you elect to have the update e-mailed to your customer via Part 1 of this mod. (Example image does no
Thumbnail Image Size Override
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This is the Thumbnail Image Size Override Mod for the Simple Site Catalog. It will allow you to override the global thumbnail image sizes that you set in the Catalog Setup area on a per-product basis.

You also have the option to use the image size overrides on featured products as well, or bypass the overriding dimensions and let the featured still use the global image sizes.
Product Horizontal Dividers
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This is the Product Horizontal Dividers Mod for the Simple Site Catalog. It will allow you to put divider lines, either with lines/background colors or images, horizontally between products.
Product Image Layout
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The Product Image Layout mod will allow you to choose how your images are laid out for when you have 2 or 3 images allowed in your Catalog Setup.
Options Highlighter
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This is the Options Highlighter Mod. It will allow you to put borders and/or backgrounds around your options so they stand out better. Both border options allow you to chose between 3 thicknesses.
Pop-Up Highlighter
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This is the Advanced version of the Pop-Up Highlighter Mod. It will highlight the text link that brings up the predefined pop-up for any given product. With the advanced version, you not only can highlight with brackets, but with backgrounds, boxes, or top/bottom lines; both border options allow you to chose between 3 thicknesses. Each pop-up definition can either have their own format, or none at all (default).
Wholesale Administration Filter
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This module will allow you to filter all those wholesale requests so you can see what needs attention!
Admin Item Text Field Expansion
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This mod will allow you to expand the Item text field on the Orders page in the Administration area. In doing this, it will allow a lot more product information to be included for each item.
SCODE Removal on Mals Orders (and e-mails)
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This will allow you to remove the SCODE from the e-mails that are sent after an order is placed. Please note however that turning off this code will disable inventory control otherwise used by the ordering system.
The combination of Mals-E shopping cart software, the OptionCart Catalog, and the Multi-Product Editor creates one of the most awesome and powerful tools you can find or use for your e-commerce needs.
The Multi-Product Editor (MPE) and Multi-Product Adder (MPA) both work with the OptionCart Deluxe shopping cart catalog system.
Neither the MPE nor the MPA will overwrite any existing data or information already stored in your database. It will however expedite the adding and updating of such information.