Expired To Be A Chrome Browser Extension Set and be reminded of expiration dates. ‘Expired To Be’ is a Chrome extension available on the Chrome Web Store. Get notified of expiring items for things you don’t think about too often; like butter, medicine, or the supplies under your sink. As a developer, I spend most
Character Counts V2
The Chrome Web Extension “Character Counts” has been updated. Current Features: 1. Count the number of selected characters on a page. 2. Convert an ASCII(char) string* between normal ASCII, ASCII (Int), and Binary. * A string is represented by characters, words, and/or entire sentences. New Feature: 1. Choose if your conversion input (source) string is
I··C··D··O··T··S (––and––lines––)
I··C··D··O··T··S··: A Web App Game tl;dr – take me to the game already! ICDots is a board game for 2-7 players who will take turns selecting lines to form boxes. Scoring is 1 point per box pinned. Line colors have no distinction other than one is horizontal and one is vertical, and the alternating colors
Dances with Vars
Dances with Vars: Spans… Spans… Your name is Spans? Spans Div… Spans with Divs… Your name is “Spans with Divs”!?! — Keith D Commiskey https://keithdc.com
>Testing Dark Humor:
“`describe(‘psychotic’, () => { it(‘puts’, () => { basket: “lotion” } expect(null).toEqual(“Precious”)) }“` I had originally posted this on Google+, but thought it fitting for my blog as well. I would also share on Twitter, but you can’t format Twitter messages, so it’d lose it’s coded `unit testing` humor hook. — Keith D Commiskey https://keithdc.com
Foundation 6 Install – 2018-01
[2018-01-07 / 08 – Sun / Mon] Setting up a new VirtualBox VM with Ubuntu 16.04.3 (guest) on a Windows 10 MSI laptop (host/parent). I was recently reintroduced with Foundation 6, and I decided it would be a good opportunity for a little redesign of my portfolio. This guide became a byproduct of my setup
A Little Node…
Figured I’d take a break from my daily JavaScript adventures (w/ Codewars) and learn a little Node with Express and MongoDB. Although it says 30 minutes, after downloading, creating an account, and installing Postman, learning what it is and how it works, then doing all the same with mLab (MongoDB), then figuring out why MongoDB
Front-End Development Certification Achieved!
291 Coding challenges later… Free Code Camp Front-End Development Certification achieved! The last project assignment was to build a Simon Game: I built Simon 20 – complete with 3 speed levels, and a cheat mode! Initial functional development was completed in 8 hours. But follow-up tweaks and enhancements cost another 2 days, so it went about 3
A little… Tic Tac Toe?
I’m near complete with the Free Code Camp Front-End Development Certification course. 291 coding challenges and I’m on my last… Haven’t read through the specs yet, but based on my last four projects, I’m guessing it’ll run me another 3-4 days. My last project was a Tic Tac Toe game, in which you can play person-to-person,
CS50 Final Project
Character Counts (a Chrome web extension) My Final Project for Harvard’s CS50 course. — Keith D Commiskey https://keithdc.com
Career Tweaks
From time to time we need to make little tweaks to our career paths. Although learning React Native was next on my path, I’ve decided that learning another framework, even though it’s close to React, would continue taking me laterally; whereas at this point, I now need a much stronger foundation for my current skill-sets.
My Experience with TypeScript + React
TypeScript: “A strict syntactical superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing” (paraphrased from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TypeScript). I just finished injecting TypeScript into my last React web app (Done (for now)), and can say that I’ve enjoyed learning how TypeScript works: In particular its insightful nuances with React. Why TypeScript? …One might ask… I’ll let their intro video
Done (for now) | An Online Timer (with countdowns)
“Done (for now)” is a multi-‘timer’ web app with custom snooze and a one-at-a-time notification queue. This is my second React web app, which I’m hoping will become my first React Native (mobile) app (once I learn React Native, which is next on my list of learnables). The ‘Done (for now)’ timer provides alerts (via
My Programming History: As of July, 2017
Coming up on my 1-year of being ‘between jobs’ (reasons explained within), figured I’d pay a tribute to all my developmental years up to now. Beyond the technologies I’ve semi-mastered along the way, and the projects I’ve completed, I’ve always enjoyed learning and, quite simply, being productive. I started programming with Atari Basic. I used
Completed First React App: Track Your Cash
My first React app is now live. It’s called “Track Your Cash” and is a simplified checkbook register. The project uses React, React Router 4, and Redux, and runs on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu-based NGINX server. “Track Your Cash” Demo: https://kdcinfo.com/app/register/(this will redirect to Digital Ocean’s IP address) View the code on GitHub: https://github.com/KDCinfo/track-your-cash This
Open Source Code – Guess Right
I put the code for my ‘Guess Right’ game on GitHub. It includes the Vue files, Vuex state files, Laravel routes, model, controller, and migration files. It also provides a link to a flowchart diagram and a couple mockups I did for the game. — Keith D Commiskey https://keithdc.com
Loving My First Front-End Framework
I’m proud to announce I’ve fallen in love with my first framework; Vue. Well, second actually, with Laravel being my first. Both of these have helped to bring me into the world of… now? Both have allowed me to create a mini-site showcasing Laravel, with Keep Track and Pick-a-Meal, and now Vue, with Guess Right.
Vuex – Core Concepts (w/ Vue.js 2)
The learning is endless, but exciting. The following 5-lesson series is an awesome primer on Vuex (Vue state management). — Keith D Commiskey https://keithdc.com
Code Logic for the Keep Track “Show All” Page
The link and code provided below is extracted from code I wrote for a Controller class used on my Laravel site, Keep Track. IIRC my biggest achievement while creating Keep Track was on the item listing page. Sorting (and one level of sub-sorting) on separate/related tables, for me, was tricky. But I was able to
Can’t Decide Where to Eat? Let Pick-a-Meal decide for you!
Pick-a-Meal is an online “Random Food Type and Restaurant Selector”. You choose multiple Food Types or Restaurants from a list that you create, and it will randomly pick one for you. https://kdcinfo.com/pickameal/ I (re)built Pick-a-Meal to continue learning more about Laravel. My older, downloadable, version was done in very old school PHP(4). The new online